Lagu di iKLan Samsung Corby…

Jogja geraaaaahhhh. Huummph, lagi keranjingan ngepost ni gw. Post-an gak penting aja padahal. Hmmm, lagi pengen nge-share lagu nii gw.

Pada merhatiin iklan samsung corby di tivi gak? Yang bintang iklan na Dian Sastro sama Nicholas Saputra. Gw sukaaaaa banget itu iklan, seru liat Nico sama Dian na. Yang bikin gw kesemsem lagi sama tu iklan, lagu yang ngiringin tu orang berdua joget-joget.

kalo gak salah, lirik na mulai dari:

It was all in monochrome,without the light,
Just like a silver screen you walked into my life

You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it’s all in technicolor with you

Kemaren gw iseng nyari tentang iklan samsung corby di mbah google, and guess what??? Nemu lah gw link buat ngedunlud itu lagu langsung dari samsung na. Huwaaaah, ternyata itu lagu utuh yang dinyayiin sama PALOMA FAITH..

PALOMA FAITH??? ada yang pernah denger??? Gw jujur aja asing banget sama itu nama. Maka, berselancarlah gw sama mbah google. nyari tawu tentang si Paloma Faith ini. dan hasilnyaaaa…..


PaLoma Faith

Paloma Faith is a british singer that was Born in Hackney, London. She is half-Spanish and half-British. jadi wajar kalo wajahnya agak-agak espanyola gitu. Paloma Faith memulai karirnya sebagai asisten pesulap, burlesque performer, aktris dan akhirnya jadi penyanyi. She’s multitalented, isn’t she? Kug gw baru tawu yaaaa ada orang keren iniih…

Kalo denger suaranya dia, gw pribadi serasa denger duffy or amy winehouse. ASIK. Dan gw sukaa.

Kalo tertarik tawu soal niy orang, cobalah minta bantuan mabh google.. hehehe.. Kalo gw sih, tertariiiikkk gara-gara suaranya yang unik di lagu technicolour ituh…

eniwei… here is the lyrics:

Once upon a time my friends it feels like yesterday
I was living lonesome in a world of disarray
Everything was black and white,there wasn’t even gray
And every morning waking up on Groundhog Day

It was all in monochrome,without the light,
Just like a silver screen you walked into my life

You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it’s all in technicolor with you

I lived in the blackest house with seven pure white cats
The bleak eyed look of every day hidden deep inside my hat
The notes on the piano now remind me of my past
And now you’re here right by my side,I hope that we will last

It was all in monochrome,without the light,
Just like a silver screen you walked into my life

You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it’s all in technicolor with you

Yellow,orange,pink,green and blue
Let’s paint the town,darling us two
You bring your pallet and I will sing the sub bar
We’re just two birds of a feather

You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it’s all in technicolor with you

You taught the stars to light up what was dark
I found the light saturated in your charm
We kiss the sky and dance across rainbows
Now it’s all in technicolor with you

Now it’s all in technicolor with you

Laguna asik banget, Enak banget didenger pagi-pagi, pasti bikin semangat memulai aktifitas.
Eh iya..
Laguna cari ja ya sendiri, minta bantuan mbah google… hehehehe..

*joget2 gak jelas*

59 thoughts on “Lagu di iKLan Samsung Corby…

  1. haha, emang enak Fi. sayah juga udah download duluan lagunya ๐Ÿ˜›
    maklum pengoleksi lagu-lagu iklan juga :mrgreen:

    tapi sayah ma h paling suka ma lagunya Minute Maid Pulpy Orange yang kedua, kira” judulnya ‘I fill the pulp’ ๐Ÿ˜€ cuman itu lagu khusus iklan, jadi kagak ada full versinya ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  2. emang enak nih lagu buat joget2. apalagi jogetnya bareng dian sastro.. beeuh.. ๐Ÿ˜†
    oh iy fi, linknya dah saya pasang. dtunggu backlinknya yaaaa. jangan lupa pake nick “tupaitambun” yaaa… ehehe..

  3. Aku jatuh cinta banget sama hape-nya! Karena Samsung Corby dipake oleh semua orang di K-drama You’re Beautiful-nya Jang Geun Seok, and I luv the drama ๐Ÿ™‚
    Udah bolak balik ke konter hape… sampe saekarang masih bargaining sama diriku…
    Beli…nggak…beli…nggak… :mrgreen:

  4. comen perdanaโ€ฆ
    salam kenal yach.. n selamat tahu baruโ€ฆ
    moga di tahun yang akan datang menjadikan kita lebih baik dari pada tahun yang laluโ€ฆ
    Good Luckโ€ฆ

  5. Sip, trims infonya… coba nyari, donlot, n dengerin lagunya ah… ๐Ÿ™‚

    Bener juga dia orang inggris yak, kedengeran dari aksen british-nya… huakakak ๐Ÿ˜€

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